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Blog Posts

person putting mail in box

What Is a Cease and Desist Letter?

If you're a content creator, you may have to send a cease and desist at...
inside of art store with prints and shelves

What Is Consignment in Relation to Copyright?

If you’re an artist, there are probably a number of reasons you do what you...
lightbulb with chalk bubbles

Are My Ideas Protected by Copyright?

When you have ideas, understanding how you can protect them is vital. This blog can...
person sketching fashion design

Does Copyright Law Protect Fashion?

As a fashion designer, seeing your work on another website can be frustrating. As such...
person playing the guitar

What Should I Know as a Musician About Copyright Laws?

As a musician, knowing your rights is vital. This information is essential to protect the...
brown gavel on marble backdrop

How Can I Enforce My Copyright?

If you want to enforce your copyright, understanding the process is vital. Keep reading to...
blue digital image

What Should I Know About Artificial Intelligence and Copyright?

The rise of artificial intelligence has taken the world by storm. If you're having trouble...
typewriter with NFT on paper

What Should I Know About NFTs and Copyright?

If you're interested in NFTs, it's important to understand your copyright rights. This blog and...
man in recording studio

How Can I License My Music?

Have you thought about selling your songs? If so, this blog explores how to license...


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