Film Copyright Infringement Lawyers

Freddie loved the fast-paced world of film and he's been making films his entire life.
He love telling stories through the camera lens, and his films were loved by everyone!
One day, Freddie discovered that his films had been copied and displayed without permission or compensation!
The film and entertainment industry can be pretty tough, filled with many challenges and moving parts. Building an audience and a strong reputation often means publishing your passion projects online where they can be viewed by potential suitors — as well as would-be thieves to commit film copyright infringement. Unfortunately, these thieves tend to take advantage of industrious and talented filmmakers more often than any of us would like to imagine, and if you believe your copyrighted film material has been stolen, our film copyright infringement lawyers are here to help. Contact CopyCat Legal today to learn more about how we can assist you.
CopyCat wields the scales of justice
Was Your Film Stolen? Our Copyright Infringement Lawyers Are Here.
The unfortunate reality of today’s day and age is that it’s easier to steal ideas and footage from their rightful owners than ever. Fortunately, there are copyright infringement lawyers like the ones at CopyCat Legal who can help filmmakers get the credit and profits they deserve. If you need a legal team that truly cares about your reputation and future in the business, you’ve come to the right place.
Your Rights & How We Can Help

The first thing you should understand is that under the law, you own the rights to your film from the second it’s written, regardless of whether you formally get the work copyrighted. That said, having your film copyrighted is the best way to protect it from thieves and can provide a more straightforward path to getting compensated, should your film get stolen. Once you copyright a film, you’ll have the right to:

  • Reproduce the film
  • Publicly display the film
  • Distribute copies of the film
  • Create derivative works based on the film, such as a sequel

Regardless of whether you’ve copyrighted your film, however, if it’s been stolen, you should retain the services of our dedicated film copyright infringement lawyers who can help you get your rightful compensation.

CopyCat sprung into action. This is not a battle that Freddie would fight alone!
CopyCat helped Freddie get his work back... The award he won on his own talent!
Recovering Damages

As long as we can prove your work has been stolen, you should receive statutory damages and/or actual damages, depending on whether your work has been copyrighted or not. If your film has not been copyrighted, we can sue for actual damages (though these are a bit more challenging to accurately calculate). If your film has been copyrighted, we can sue for statutory damages, which can award you anywhere between $750-$30,000 (but up to $150,000 in some cases).

The bottom line is that the team here at CopyCat Legal is here to protect your rights as a filmmaker. If you’re looking to copyright your work or you need to track down and hold a thief accountable, CopyCat Legal is here to help. Contact us today so we can get started working on your case.

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